No Sense


Please excuse the rough art for today, but for anyone who didn’t know- “The Missing Digit” Comic Strip also existed years ago in another life when I drew everything on paper with only pencils/sharpies and used to publish it as “Marvin” via my University Newspaper when I was in college. 

This particular strip here has the dubious distinction of being the only piece of work I produced in 2 years for that paper that they would not allow to go to print for being too controversial or whatever nonsense reason the Editor gave me.  It’s a simple joke and I think about as offensive as the cast of “Glee” showing up at a Pride Parade, but I dug it out of the moth balls to present here in light of the awful tragedy that occurred at the Boston Marathon earlier this week.  The circumstances referenced in this strip may or may not end up having any relevance to what happened in Boston as we find out exactly what transpired, but whether foreign or domestic, this senseless act of terror is just that-senseless: it literally makes no sense.  It’s remarkable and more than a little sad how well this joke here has held up since being written nearly a decade ago and I just wanted to point out the sheer ridiculousness of that to anyone who may ever read this down the road. 

We’ll be back with the usual dick and fart jokes next week, but in the meantime- this one goes out anyone who’s hurting in Bean Town or anywhere else where things are not making much sense right now.